With Adelaide Flood Master, you can rest assured knowing you have the most trusted experts handling your water damage emergency. Using state-of-the-art equipment and proven restoration techniques, they work efficiently to extract water, dehumidify and dry the affected areas, prevent the growth of mould and mildew, and get you back to living comfortably in your home again.

Effective Water Extraction and Structural Drying

Our powerful extraction equipment can remove hundreds of gallons of water from your property quickly and efficiently. We thoroughly dry all affected areas, including walls, floors, carpeting, padding, and furniture. Advanced tools like infrared cameras help identify moisture hidden behind walls and under floors so we can fully restore your structure to a dry, stable state.

Efficient Mold Prevention and Remediation

‘Water damage often leads to mold growth within 48 hours. Our experts will test for mold using state-of-the-art equipment and remediate any mold present during the restoration process. We also apply mold inhibitors to prevent future growth.

Reconstruction and Repair

Once drying is complete, we repair any permanent damage to restore your property to its pre-loss condition. Our skilled technicians can handle structural repairs, carpet stretching and installation, drywall repair, painting, and other reconstruction needs. We work with homeowners and insurance providers to ensure repairs are comprehensive and long-From water extraction to mold remediation to full reconstruction, Adelaide Flood Master has the experience, equipment, and capabilities to handle any level of water damage in Rostrevor. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to respond to residential and commercial flood emergencies so you can rest assured knowing help is only a phone call away.

Our Water and Flood Damage Assessment Process

Once our professionals arrive at your property, we conduct a meticulous assessment to determine the extent of the water damage. This assessment allows us to develop an effective restoration plan customized to your unique situation.

Qur process begins with a visual inspection of the affected areas. We examine structural elements like walls, floors, and foundations for signs of warping or water penetration. Materials such as drywall, wood, and flooring are checked for damage like swelling, buckling or delamination. We also test the moisture levels using specialized meters to identify any hidden water not visible to the naked eye.

Following our visual and meter assessments, moisture removal and drying equipment are strategically placed based on the layout of your property and severity of damage. Air movers and dehumidifiers are positioned to maximize airflow and optimize the drying process. Hard to reach or well-insulated areas may require additional equipment like lift fans or desiccant dehumidifiers.

When disaster strikes, don’t delay – call Adelaide Flood Master immediately for emergency water extraction and restoration services. We understand how traumatic water damage can be, which is why we work swiftly yet carefully to get you back to normal as fast as possible. Our number one priority is limiting damage, reducing loss, and restoring both residential and commercial properties in Rostrevor.

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